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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Factory Farms vs. Farm Sanctuary

Farm Sanctuary Chickens
Ever wanted know all the dirty facts about a factory farmed animal in comparison to one that is cared for at the Farm Sanctuary? This website gives you a virtual tour of the behind-the-scenes footage of factory farmed animals and ones at Farm Sanctuary. Learn about the lives of animals such as Echo and Faye, who were once factory farmed animals, but have since been saved by the humane people of Farm Sanctuary and their faithful supporters.

This tour does take a while (I haven't even finished it yet), but I highly encourage you to look through it, even if it's only for 10 minutes. It provides some great information about Farm Sanctuary and how well-treated the animals are there. This website also offers some quality information on the issues of factory farming and how to get involved. Check it out!

-Jennifer Rochefort


  1. I just went through the turkey tour and it was really interesting learn about what they're like. It said they were very friendly and talkative which makes it hard to imagine eating them....
    Sarah Johnson

  2. I think they should have labels on meat from factory farms that informs the consumers where they are getting their meat from. Great post!
    - Quinn Rhodes
