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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Natalie Portman Inspired by "Eating Animals"

Face it.  We all know and love the young, beautiful and talented Natalie Portman.  Along with being the most attractive individual on the planet, she also is a devoted vegetarian.  But the question rises... Why?  Why would someone like Natalie Portman make the switch to vegetarianism?  Well, the answer has been found in a single book.  This book happens to be "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer- the very book that our group was assigned to read.
Now, I will admit.  I have slacked off some, and found myself lacking the motivation to read this long, long novel.  But I have found inspiration while not even searching for any.  If someone such as Natalie Portman could be affected by this book, then maybe I will be too.  

Portman says, "... this book reminded me that some things are just wrong. Perhaps others disagree with me that animals have personalities, but the highly documented torture of animals is unacceptable, and the human cost Foer describes in his book, of which I was previously unaware, is universally compelling." 

I have always loved and admired Natalie, and here is just another reason why she remains my favorite.  

- Payton Collier

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